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  1. 卷积核的大小

    • 代码中使用了三个卷积层,卷积核的大小为 (3, 3),这是典型的卷积核大小,用于捕捉局部空间信息。
    • 在每个卷积层中,使用大小为 (3, 3) 的卷积核对输入进行特征提取。卷积核移动时,对输入图像的每个区域应用该核,提取特征。
  2. 卷积核的数量

    • 第一个卷积层使用了 28 个卷积核,输出的形状是 (None, 26, 26, 28),即输入图片的大小减小为 26x26,而输出的深度是 28。
    • 第二和第三个卷积层同样使用 28 个卷积核,输出形状依次为 (None, 24, 24, 28)(None, 22, 22, 28)
  3. 池化层

    • 代码中还包含了一个 最大池化层 (MaxPooling2D),其大小为 (2, 2),通过对每个 2x2 区域取最大值,将特征图的大小从 22x22 降低为 11x11,从而减少数据量并提取主要特征。

综上,卷积核的大小为 (3, 3),用于每个卷积层中提取局部特征,并通过多个卷积核捕捉不同的特征。

My role involved the selection of materials online, where I carefully chose the servo motors and cameras that best suited our project’s requirements.

I focused on finding components that offered high precision and compact sizes to fit the robot’s form factor.Additionally, I was responsible for the design and 3D printing of the camera module‘s bracket, which was essential for securely housing the camera and servo motor.

The 3D printing process allowed for precise customization to ensure a perfect fit and optimal functionality.To connect the gears, I used adhesive, ensuring a strong bond that would withstand the robot’s movements during inspections. The assembly process was meticulous, as it required precise alignment to guarantee the camera’s panoramic capabilities and the servo motor’s smooth operation.

For controlling the camera module, I established a signal transmission system from a gaming controller to a computer, and then via a data cable to the camera module. This setup allowed for intuitive manipulation of the camera’s angle and focus, capturing high-quality images from within the complex structures of large发电设备

.The camera module I worked on features a 94.5° field of view, with the complete range of vision exceeding 180°. It also includes adjustable lighting with 256 levels, adapting to various lighting conditions within the equipment. This ensures that the images transmitted back are clear and diagnostically useful.In summary, my work on the camera module was pivotal for the robot’s ability to perform detailed inspections, providing a valuable tool for maintenance and diagnostics in the power generation industry. Thank you for your attention."
